Monday, May 12

SARS Fight in Taiwan Is Impeded by Resistance to Segregation, By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr.
...the authorities here are struggling to keep their citizens in quarantine...Taiwan is a model of how hard it can be to set up an airtight quarantine in a democracy.

"In Taiwan, a guy who's caught drunk driving will refuse the breath test and curse the policeman to the third generation," said Loh I-cheng, a jovial former deputy ambassador to the United States. "Everyone in Taiwan thinks he's special and smart �� why should he observe the rules? He knows the police won't strike him or arrest him."
The lack of public spiritness is all too common among the Chinese. My Taiwanese friend said quarantining was "inhumane" (bu rendao ���˵�).

Prince Roy disagrees, but Poagao concurs.

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