Wednesday, March 2

North Korea in Exchange for Taiwan

In U.S.-Japan Security Declaration Causes China to Reconsider Stance on North Korea, Willy Lam writes,
Chinese leaders and diplomats last year put forward a quid pro quo known as "North Korea in exchange for Taiwan," meaning that Beijing would help rein in Kim if Washington agrees to stop the pro-independence gambit of Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian.
And yet,
The CCP leadership is, of course, aware of the fact that like many diplomatic tools, the North Korean card could be a double-edged sword. For example, Kim’s bullying tactics have been used by Tokyo as justification for augmenting Japan’s military budget as well as revising the country’s "peace constitution." Moreover, Hu and his advisers know fully well that Kim is a perfidious gambler who could one day trip up even its mentor, China.

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