Saturday, April 19

Iain Murray wrote:
One of my favorite Simpsons jokes occurs at a prison rodeo the family attends. After a rider is thrown off and obviously seriously injured, the warden/announcer comments "Don't worry too much about him, folks. He's in for erecting a nativity scene on public property." The crowd boos and Marge comments, "So much evil in the world."
In connection with Tony Blair's upcoming appearance on the show, the Economist says,
"The Simpsons" is not just the most successful cartoon on American television, but also a brilliant satire on American religion, society and politics. The right usually comes off worst, which is why it is the favourite programme not just of countless six-year-olds but also of such luminaries of the left as the Archbishop of Canterbury and Glenda Jackson, an actress-turned-politician.
Seems to me everyone's fair game.

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