Monday, November 3

Someone on a discussion list I subscribe to is upset at the International Studies in Higher Education Act (H.R. 3077), briefly discussed here, because of the idea of
an "advisory board" that may severely impact universities by dictating the curricula taught, course materials assigned in class, and the faculty who are hired in institutions that accept Title VI seems that the House of Representatives is about to regulate the courses and content that we, as future professors, will teach in colleges and universities. The possibility that someone in homeland security will instruct college professors (with Ph.D.s) on the proper, patriotic, "American-friendly" textbooks that may be used in class scares and outrages me.
Maybe I'm naive, but I don't think it's going to go this far. Or I'm just unsympathetic. Let's face it, the post-colonialists have brought this on themselves, as Stanley Kurtz's testimony suggests.

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