Monday, February 13

Suppression of dissent?

What happens if you're a Republican commentator and you write a book critical of President Bush that gets you fired from your job at a conservative think tank?

Bruce Bartlett was fired from his job at a conservative research group after writing "Impostor," a book sharply critical of President Bush.

For starters, no other conservative institution rushes in with an offer for your analytical skills.

"Nobody will touch me," said Bruce Bartlett, author of the forthcoming "Impostor: Why George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy." "I think I'm just kind of radioactive at the moment."

...["Impostor"'s] basic message reflects the frustration of many conservatives who say that Mr. Bush has been on a five-year federal spending binge. Like them, Mr. Bartlett is particularly upset about Mr. Bush's Medicare prescription drug plan, which is expected to cost more than $700 billion over the next decade.
By the way, I'm in favor of Bush's "dressed-up amnesty plan".

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