Tuesday, November 21

Chinese Rightists and Leftists

These are adapted from the Chinese Wikipedia.

Chinese Rightists and Leftists after the 1980's
Leftists Rightists
Conservatives Liberals
Favor a centrally-planned economy
Tend to favor a market economy
Protect government ownership of enterprises Privatization

Chinese Rightists and Leftists on the Internet
Leftists Rightists
Sometimes seen as supporters of a system of government under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. Sometimes seen as opponents of a system of government under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.
Opposed to a large gap between rich & poor; militarily tend to be hawkish. Support free competition, and may oppose totalitarianism.
Usually includes Marxists, nationalists, and Socialists. Usually includes liberals and supporters of democracy.

Many support a system with several political parties, a balance of power, and democratic choice.
Some see them as leaning towards a system of government like Mao Zedong's or Kim Jong Il's. Some see them as supporting a transitional government like Taiwan's or Singapore's "traditional Confucian government".

So don't call the Chinese chauvinists (whom we would normally call "nationalists", but don't because of the Nationalist Party) "rightists". Of course, who knows what they mean by "liberals"; I suspect it's not the contemporary American kind but rather the classical or neo-liberal?

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