Saturday, February 11

Does Obama hate renters and people who live on interest earnings?

Does Obama hate renters? Or is this supposedly smart guy unaware of their existence?
I haven’t heard one word about the poor, struggling renters, the ones who scrimped and saved and put money away each month towards a down payment, who kept the credit cards paid off, stayed out of trouble, and lived modestly, and thought that maybe, just maybe, the fall in housing prices meant that they, finally, could afford a house — maybe one of those foreclosed units down the street. These people are Bastiat’s unseen. For them, Obama’s housing plan is a giant slap in the face. To hell with the prudent. Party on, profligate! Now that’s what I call moral hazard.
Does Obama hate people who live on interest earnings? Or is this supposedly smart guy unaware of their existence?

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