Wednesday, May 16

Illinois judges

From an editorial in the Chicago Tribune:
[Illinois judges] sued former Gov. Rod Blagojevich and the Legislature in 2003 after he stripped their automatic 3 percent cost-of-living pay increases from the budget, saying Illinois taxpayers couldn't afford them.

So the judges went to court, and some of the judges got to rule:

A circuit court ruled in favor of the judges.

And the Illinois Supreme Court, which heard the case on an expedited schedule (of course it did!), ruled in favor of the judges.

Fast-forward to 2012: Illinois judges remain among the top-paid in the nation. They earn generous pension benefits and, thanks to the Jorgensen case, get their guaranteed 3 percent cost-of-living increases every year.

If the judges file suit to preserve free retiree health care for themselves, will they again rule in their own favor?
Man, I'd like to see that guaranteed 3%, not to mention the free health care.

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