Tuesday, October 22

Last Sunday I baked bread based on the Sesame Twist in the Bread Bible, but the author's instructions were so vague I couldn't figure out how to twist it, so it ended up in a big mass. Still, it was pretty good, especially after it had cooled down (although we had already eaten most of it). I had left the dough in the refrigerator overnite, and it was either that or the fact that I put in the semolina flour that the recipe called for that made it taste as nearly as good as the baguettes I've made with artisanal flour, fermented, with just a teeny bit of yeast.

I can't get my archives to work, so I'll just admit that I bought the semolina to make pasta, and even mixed with unbleached flour, it was really hard to knead.

Here it is.

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