Tuesday, October 7

A better tomorrow shows a pic of 黑人牙膏 (Black Man Toothpaste), and in the comments Marc helpfully links to the controversy about the old packaging. I don't see anything by any of the China hands mentioning the various 黑妹牙膏 (Black Sister Toothpaste) product line. As one can see from the ads, there's nothing overtly racist about it, but the thing with black people and toothpaste is suggested by this story, in which 他所恋爱的女人,来自刚果,一个全黑的老外。朋友们背后叫她"黑妹牙膏"。真是这样的,只有她笑起来的时候,牙齿白得耀人。(The girl he loved was from the Congo--a totally black foreigner. Their friends called her Black Sister Toothpaste. It was just like that: just when she smiled, her teeth were so white they dazzled.) All of which sounds very racist.

But then Taiwan has the 白人牙膏 (White Men Toothpaste) product line. So is that racist?

(Unicode needed to view the characters.)

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