Sunday, January 25

I just ran across The Plane Truth: Airline Crashes, the Media, and Transportation Policy by Roger W. Cobb and David M. Primo:
Cobb and Primo make several policy recommendations based on their findings. These include calling on lawmakers and regulators to avoid reactive regulation and instead to focus on systematic problems in airline safety, like the antiquated air traffic control system. Concerned that aviation security is eclipsing aviation safety in the wake of September 11, they encourage federal agencies to strike a better balance between the two. Finally, in order to address the FAA’s poor track record in balancing airline safety regulation with its other duties, they recommend the creation of a new federal agency that is responsible for aviation safety.

The Plane Truth provides a framework for understanding conflicts about the meaning of air safety and the implications of these battles for public policy.
Like a lot of misguided public policy.

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