Saturday, January 3

I share David Stanway's disappointment in the growing Chinese fondness for Christianity, but many might have predicted, 40 years of aggressive, official atheism enshrined in the national constitution was wholly counter-productive. Christianity somehow became the movement of choice for a nation's young rebels. It serves to prove that repression is not only wrong in itself, but also gets you nowhere.
He also refers to Lightning from the East, a sect profiled in Time here:
Its followers, who say they number 300,000 but whom observers measure in the tens of thousands, believe that Jesus has returned as a plain-looking, 30-year-old Chinese woman who lives in hiding and has never been photographed. They credit her with composing a third testament to the Bible, writing enough hymns to fill 10 CDs and teaching that Christians who join her will ascend to heaven in the coming apocalypse. They see signs of doom everywhere.... targeting Christian believers it is flourishing--even though its belief that the female Jesus has updated the Bible for China violates core Christian tenets. The appeal seems to be the group's claim to have improved the Christian faith by putting the end of the world into a Chinese context and offering believers a path to immediate salvation. Official Christian churches, by contrast, downplay the Final Judgment, emphasizing instead codes of behavior. That, plus the sect's insistence that China is "disintegrating from within," appeals to peasants, many of whom are poorly grounded in Christian principles and are angry at a government that has failed to raise their incomes or curb corruption...

The unavailability of rural health-care means that "seven out of 10 converts come to faith through illness" after people pray for their recovery, estimates Faye Pearson, a teacher at China's biggest seminary, in Nanjing. Many of these converts have scarcely read the Bible. Without strong doctrinal leadership, it's a prescription for heterodoxy.
I'll say. And I don't much like the orthodox Christians.

OMF, some kind of Christian evangelical site, has more.


The sect is known as dongfang shanguang 东方闪电 in Chinese; I'm not sure it's still going strong; on the internet its opponents have a bigger presence than it does.

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