Tuesday, June 14

USA's favorite flagologist

Lileks has a screed against a campaign opposing American flags in classrooms. I have always had a visceral dislike against the Pledge of Allegiance. I dislike physical symbols as well as oaths and pledges, which I consider their rhetorical counterpart, and so I'd prefer not to see the flag in classrooms. But Rex Curry does nothing for his own case.
  • "The [dogma of Francis Bellamy, the Pledge's creator] was the same dogma that led to the "Wholecaust" (of which the Holocaust was a part)...." That's a bit of a stretch--and he doesn't help himself by making up words.
  • "Government's schools should not teach kids to verbally fellate flags each morning." "Verbally fellate"? Does that mean anything?
  • Curry calls himself "the USA’s favorite flagologist". As the Google search below shows, it's not likely that he's the foremost expert on flags. And by the way, "flagologist" is apparently Curry's own invention. The word he's looking for is vexillologist.

1 comment:

Omni said...

I don't know which search term would actually be weirder, LOL!!