Tuesday, March 28

Does this count as conservative?

Last night on NBC Nightly News there was a segment that noted,
By inserting a gene, researchers made...pigs produce omega 3 fatty acids. That's the good fat that guards against heart disease.
The reporter later warns us:
But there's a catch. The pigs in question were cloned. You know, like Dolly the sheep. But does it sound appetizing? And can you imagine ordering it from your butcher?

Frank, I'll have the cloned pork roast, please.

As for Frank, he'd rather the scientists meddle elsewhere.
The "Butcher", Frank Ottomanelli, is apparently an owner of a gourmet food shop. He whines,
Get us to the moon, get us to the Mars, get us everywhere else. Forget about the food. Let nature take care of itself.
Then she cites "Nutritionist" Bob Cooley, better known for his Genius of Flexibility (what made her think of him as nutritionist?). He says:
I think it's the most ludicrous thing I've ever heard in my whole life. Like, you don't need to genetically modify animals in order to get the foods you need.
As if that weren't enough fear of cloning, Brian Williams gives us his two cents:
I'm with Frank the butcher.

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