Tuesday, March 21

What have you done recently having to do with ardent love for the motherland?

Diàochá :nǐ zuìjìn zuò guò nǎxiē yú rèài zǔguó xiāngguān de shìqing?
Survey: What have you done recently having to do with ardent love for the motherland? (responses in parentheses, as of today)

关心国家大事 (50.1%)
Guānxīn guójiā dàshì
Concerning yourself with the major affairs of the nation
(Lìrú :shōu kān shén zhōu liùhào fāshè jí huíshōu zhuǎnbō 、shōu kān Wēn zǒnglǐ dā jìzhě wèn)
(For example: watching the broadcast of the launch and recovery of Shenzhou #6, or watching Premier Wen's responses to reporter's questions)

传承传统文化 (11.4%)
Chuán chéng chuántǒng wénhuà
Spreading traditional culture
(Lìrú :yuèdú rú jiā jīngdiǎn 、liànxí xiě máobǐ zì 、tīng jīngjù)
(For example: reading Confucian classics, practicing brush writing characters, or listening to Peking opera)

做好本职工作 (27.3%)
Zuò hǎo běnzhí gōngzuò
Doing your own job well
(Lìrú :yīshēng jiù sǐ fú shāng ,jiàoshī jiāo shū yù rén)
(For example: a doctor's saving patients, or a teacher's teaching)

游历名山大川 (3.8%)
Yóulì míng shān dà chuān
Visiting famous mountains and rivers
(Lìrú :cānguān àiguó zhǔyì jiàoyù jīdì)
(For example: visiting patriotic education bases)

其他 (7.3%)
(Lìrú :zàiwài yòng cān suǒ yāo fāpiào děng)
(For example: When eating out, demanding receipts, etc.)

Not to criticize Chinese patriotism, but it all seems quite passive. Of course, this is how the Chinese government wants to set limits.

In the same paper, there was a survey asking 你认为哪些行为会危害祖国? Nǐ rènwéi nǎxiē xíngwéi huì wēihài zǔguó?(What behavior do you feel harms the motherland?) Most of the criticisms seem to be against corruption, but a few criticized 崇洋媚外 Chóngyáng mèiwài. Apparently what they take exception to is Chinese adopting foreign customs, enjoying foreign culture, and buying foreign products. So presumably for some Chinese, "ardent love for the motherland" includes protectionism against foreign goods.

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