Wednesday, June 14

81% of Chinese satisfied with China's national conditions

Opinions about threats to global peace also reflect regional
concerns.... The Japanese are particularly concerned about North Korea
- 46% say the government there represents a great danger to world
peace. Those concerns are not shared nearly as much in China, which
borders North Korea; just 11% of Chinese feel that the current
government in Pyongyang poses a great danger to Asian stability and
world peace.

...there is no evidence of alarm over global warming in either the
United States or China - the two largest producers of greenhouse
gases. Just 19% of Americans and 20% of the Chinese who have heard of
the issue say they worry a lot about global warming - the lowest
percentages in the 15 countries surveyed. Moreover, nearly half of
Americans (47%) and somewhat fewer Chinese (37%) express little or no
concern about the problem.

The survey finds the most publics surveyed are dissatisfied with
national conditions. But China is a notable exception - 81% of Chinese
say they are satisfied with the way things are going in their country,
up from 72% in 2005.
So should Hu Jintao call for free elections?

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