Wednesday, June 14

The Inherent Superiority of the French

Carrefour 家樂福 in Kaohsiung 高雄 sells its own brand of dark chocolate with candied orange peel. It's labelled in the original French as "Chocolat noir aux écorces d'oranges confites" with a pasted-on label in Chinese reading 柑橘黑巧克力 (further translated into English as "Black Chocolate with Orange Candy"). It sells for NT$59, as opposed to dark chocolate with hazelnuts, which sells for NT$69 (I guess the Taiwanese think the orange is weird). Either way, that's pretty cheap. Of course they've got similar chocolate available at places like Carrefour and ED in Paris at about the same price. (Although I should add that Carrefour's are tastier than Ed's.) Anyway, no need to go to Fauchon, as Lulu did.

Anyway, the chocolate is absolutely delicious.

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