Friday, March 7

I got nuthin'! Hang on--look at this: Leon R. Kass writes:
To aim to be the mother of oneself is the height of hubris and despotism. It is the crime of incest - the begetting of one�s own upon one�s own - scientifically perfected. The cloning of human beings would be the triumph of the Machiavellian project to conquer fortune and bring everything within the power of human choice and calculation.
(via Arts & Letters Daily) This hysteria doesn't do it for me. As far as I'm concerned, humans should try to conquer fortune and bring everything within the power of human choice and calculation. When you think about it, even old-fashioned sex is outrageous from the point of view of asexual reproduction. As far as Kass' callling it incest, it reminded me of the Heinleinian self-seduction in All You Zombies. Now that's "the begetting of one�s own upon one�s own"!

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