Saturday, May 8

A. O. SCOTT writes on the relationship between legal consumables and public health and the question of responsibility:
Does it rest with those of us who eat, drink and inhale the products that clog our arteries and corrode our livers and lungs, or with the companies who sell and advertise them?
But then he comes down on the side of passive dummies:
There is a heartbreaking moment when an overweight girl worries that she will never lose weight because she can't afford to eat two sandwiches a day from Subway, the diet that made Jared Fogle into the chain's favorite spokesman.
How about making your own sandwich, fattie? I eat home made sandwiches (on whole wheat) every work day that I bring to school: cheese, tomato, onion, lettuce and mayo; tuna salad; egg salad; peanut butter & celery; avocado, tomato and lettuce; roast beef occasionally; and home made hummus when I'm feeling energetic.

Meanwhile, while the Bush administration doesn't care what you eat, they're playing nanny government, trying to keep morning-after Plan B pills out of our grubby little hands.

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