Sunday, October 24

Log Cabin Republicans

I've often wondered about this name. It makes me wonder if Lincoln was gay. In fact, the reference is supposedly to him. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
The Log Cabin Republicans is a political organization in the United States, consisting of gay, lesbian and bisexual supporters of the Republican Party.


The name of the organization is a reference to the first Republican President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, who was born in a log cabin. The organization features a portrait of Lincoln on its website and other publicity material. The name has been criticized by other gay and lesbian rights groups because it does not specifically identify the organization as being for gay men and lesbians.
So the most important thing about the name is that it has nothing to do with what it actually refers to. I guess that's some sort of ironic trope, that is, "expressing a meaning directly contrary to that suggested by the words". (I almost typed "tripe" instead of trope--ha-ha!). Still, my mind searches for some connection. A "log" is:
  • a bulky piece or length of unshaped timber

  • an apparatus for measuring the rate of a ship's motion through the water

  • the record of the rate of a ship's speed or of her daily progress

  • a record of performance

  • to cut (trees) for lumber

  • to make a note or record of

  • to move (an indicated distance) or attain (an indicated speed)

  • to have (an indicated record) to one's credit

  • logarithm (by shortening)
So I'm thinking, a length of timber? Rather phallic, no? Something to do with motion through the water? Still sexual, in an amorphous way. A connection with performance? Doesn't it seem there are a lot of gays the theatre? Moving a certain distance or speed? That's about as neutral as you can get. A record to one's credit? Well, good for you!
"Cabin" is:
  • a private room on a ship or boat

  • a small one-story dwelling usually of simple construction
That suggests something confining to me. Ah yes, something about the roles society forces upon us, perhaps?


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