Sunday, February 27

Thousands Greet Bush

A demonstration against something generally gets the press. I guess that's why I can't find this in the mainstream US press. President hails Slovak 'march of freedom'
Mr Bush received a far cheerier welcome behind the old Iron Curtain as enthusiastic Slovaks applauded him for visiting them on the last stop of his tour across the continent.

Thousands of Slovaks defied swirling snow and a bitter wind to wait for several hours to hear Mr Bush speak in the heart of their capital, Bratislava...

The Slovak prime minister, Mikulas Dzurinda, set the tone when he introduced Mr Bush to the crowd with an implicit comparison to the late Ronald Reagan, who devoted much of his presidency to combating and denouncing the Soviet Union. For the White House, it was a reassuring reminder that Mr Bush's stock remains high in New Europe, as Donald Rumsfeld, the defence secretary, famously described the more recent East European members of the EU and Nato...

The reaction was very different from Mainz where thousands marched through the streets on Wednesday denouncing his policies as he met Chancellor Gerhard Schröder.
via ¡No Pasarán!

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