Thursday, April 7

I Am Deeply Disappointed

The Heritage Foundation is sponsoring a talk on so-called "Intelligent Design"
A growing number of scientists around the world no longer believe that natural selection or chemistry, alone, can explain the origins of life. Instead, they think that the microscopic world of the cell provides evidence of purpose and design in nature – a theory based upon compelling biochemical evidence.
I suppose one should not reject the so-called "Intelligent Design" argument out of hand--I mean it's possible, and even worth looking into. But what's the Heritage Foundation doing getting involved in this? And as for the whole idea of some designer behind everything, even if there once was one, there doesn't seem to be anyone minding the store now.


mynym said...

Minding...minding the store, a curious choice of words...

"...if subatomic particles can freely choose to come and go as they please, then perhaps old-fashioned claims as to our own nonmechanical nature aren’t so archaic after all: Suddenly, the machinery of brain might prove the illusion, mind and will a more foundational reality. A number of the founders of quantum mechanics wondered out loud whether the ancient mystics might not be right after all: Perhaps there is a Player. Standing apart from the mere “physical system,” he everywhere spins the shots, making everything happen this way rather than that. Wolfgang Pauli thought so: Tongue not wholly in cheek, he simply referred to the so-called exclusion principle, a cornerstone of modern physics and chemistry, as “God.” "
(The Quantum Brain
By Jeffrey Satinover :6-8)

pkd said...

By "minding the store", I mean there's an awful lot of evil & suffering that the supposed designer seems willing to permit.