Friday, November 4

Classical Liberal

Russell Roberts takes exception to the labels "left" and "right".
The rhetorical distinction we should be pushing is centralized vs. decentralized. Classical liberals favor the decentralization of power and the enhancement of individual freedom. The other side (statists or some other term of your choosing) favor enhancing the power of the government. People on the left romanticize that expansion of power by saying it will serve the people. People on the right romanticize that expansion of power by saying it will serve the people. But has there ever been a powerful government that served the people?


Perhaps the strangest thing of all is that modern day left of center folks think that corporations run America via their influence on the government. If you believe that, why would you want government to be more powerful? If corporations control the political process, why wouldn't you be on my side, reducing the power of government?
I think part of the problem is that majorities on both on the "left" and the "right" are in favor of the government intervention; it's just the interventions they favor are different.

But not me. Let's hear it again: Classical liberals favor the decentralization of power and the enhancement of individual freedom.

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