Wednesday, December 21

This is where political correctness has brought us

Because some courses (including biology, history, literature and government) offered by Calvary Chapel Christian Schools do not reflect "knowledge generally accepted in the scientific and educational communities and with which a student at the university level should be conversant," they do not meet the admission standards of the University of California, and so various Christian schools are suing the university, whose campuses include that traditional bastion of liberal thought, Berkeley, as well as the huge UCLA campus, for what they call "viewpoint discrimination".
Fifty years ago there were only a handful of "megachurches", drawing more than 2,000 each Sunday; today, there are more than 1,200 such churches, three of them with congregations of over 20,000. Not only is the nation's president a born-again Christian, but so (according to the Pew Research Centre) are 54% of America's Protestants, who are 30% of the population.

Will America's public universities take on a similar tinge? To the extent that educational establishments reflect cultural reality, it may be inevitable. After all, before the liberal era of the 1960s, there were no such things as courses in "Women's Studies" or "African-American Studies". Now, no prudent American university would be without them. It would be odd if conservative Christians did not leave similar footprints on the syllabus.

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