Saturday, September 20

A bunch of ButterfliesandWheels stuff:

Abundance is a threat to the values of snobbery of the critics of modernity. What can I say? I'm a Thomas R. DeGregori fan.

Also Geoffrey Dean and Ivan W. Kelly:
The case for astrology is that a warm and sympathetic astrologer provides low-cost non-threatening therapy that is otherwise hard to come by. You get emotional comfort, spiritual support, and interesting ideas to stimulate self-examination. In a dehumanised society astrology provides ego support at a very low price. Where else can you get this sort of thing these days?

In short, there is more to astrology than being true or false. But note the dilemma - to get the benefits you have to believe in something that is untrue. The same dilemma can apply elsewhere as in psychotherapy and even religion, so it is not unique to astrology.
That's why I try not to be too anti-religious. And how, indeed, do I delude myself into believing my life is meaningful? It's elephants all the way down.

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