Saturday, September 13

Colby Cosh writes:
Ronald McDonald is the cousin of Joe Camel. Jack Daniels and Samuel Colt, unquestionably, are his uncles. If there were some convenient personification of the sport utility vehicle, he'd be the squalling baby brother.
Here on campus smoking is banned inside all buildings and will soon be banned within 25 feet of them. I don't smoke, or as far as that goes, eat much fast food, drink alcohol, own a gun or an SUV (I don't even drive much). Yet I fully realize people are capable of all sorts of stupidity, but I do wonder where all this is will end. If I were to decree that people should live according to my standards, I suspect they'd be pretty miserable.

Update For instance, I don't like sugary carbonated beverages or sugary uncarbonated beverages, either, and I don't see why schools should sell them. Back in my day, they didn't. In fact, I don't know why they sell them on our college campus, either. And then there's the question of why students spend money on them.

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