Tuesday, June 5

Q and lying

Are you a good liar? Most people think that they are, but in reality there are big differences in how well we can pull the wool over the eyes of others. There is a very simple test that can help determine your ability to lie. Using the first finger of your dominant hand, draw a capital letter Q on your forehead.

Some people draw the letter Q in such a way that they themselves can read it. That is, they place the tail of the Q on the right-hand side of their forehead. Other people draw the letter in a way that can be read by someone facing them, with the tail of the Q on the left side of their forehead. This quick test provides a rough measure of a concept known as "self-monitoring". High self-monitors tend to draw the letter Q in a way in which it could be seen by someone facing them. Low self-monitors tend to draw the letter Q in a way in which it could be read by themselves.

I only mention this because of the other Q.


S. Weasel said...

Yes, but which type of person makes the better liar?

pkd said...

Supposedly "high self-monitors" are better liars. However, I tested this with someone I know who is a pretty good liar, and she did it the "low self-monitor" way. (Or maybe she was lying!)