Monday, December 9

Over the weekend, we saw The Road Home. We're big fans of Zhang Yimou, but we didn't think much of this one. Nice cinematography, but not much story. Possibly we were disappointed because a few years ago, we saw the first part of it, and expected something more to happen. I can't help by being struck by the similarities to Not One Less; both have scenes of a woman running along a road, waiting for a male's return. A wild guess: while involved with Not One Less, Zhang was struck by this idea, and decided to build another movie around it, but ended up with a just a bunch of pretty pictures. We also saw Pumpkin, which for us was one of the worst movies we've ever seen. We're fans of Christina Ricci, but she was miscast in this overly long piece of crap. My opinion of her has taken a real dive: why did she not only star in this, but produce it? The tone shifts all over the place: it can't decide whether it's going to be funny or serious, and the funny parts are never really funny. The dialog is ridiculous. The story lacks coherence. And what's with Samuel Ball's makeup? Is he supposed to look like a cheesy gigolo?

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