Thursday, December 5

A pessimistic New Republic article on China (via Gene Expression) argues that China's economy is far more fragile than generally believed, and that
China's growing economic weakness could force its latent anger at the United States to the surface. Already, Beijing stokes anti-Americanism in order to deflect criticism of its own actions.
I'll accept the economic analysis--Asia Business Intelligence reported a lot of the same stuff--but the call to "be afraid" of some kind of military threat strikes me as a wee bit hysterical. Does that mean I'm not a hawk? He also mentions the World Competitiveness Yearbook rankings, which are of interest.


I don't know how I missed this Philip P. Pan article on Chinese employee ownership. In a word, it was a bust. Just like United, employee ownership doesn't seem to work. (We professor would like to take over, too. I wonder how we'd manage ourselves.) Anyway, this article is more starry-eyed.

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