Friday, July 4

Just finished Bresson's 1969 Une femme douce. As Don Druker says, it's infused with Bresson's "characteristic technical severity and his persistent refusal to offer interpretations. Contemplative and not for all tastes...." Dominique Sanda's 1st major role; pretty tender-looking, if not exactly what I'd call douce. The acting was a little artificial, but I liked it. Not unlike his 1983 L'Argent, which we saw not long ago. Earlier today we tried to watch Bunuel's El Angel exterminador (1962). As one Limonov writes,
the movie is primarily Bunuel's impression of "high society" parties that seem to go on forever (as he stated himself in several interviews).
Unfortunately, the movie seems to go on forever, too.

We've also seen Polanski's execrable Fearless Vampire Killers (1967), which wanted to be funny, but was just dumb. And Jim Jarmusch's (1991) Night on Earth, which was alright. Rosie Perez cracked my wife up; Roberto Benigni was as all too usual a little much, but his crudity was funny. And Winona Ryder miscast, I'm sorry to say. And Picture Bride (1994). Quite forgettable, I'm sorry to say. We'd seen it a few years ago, but had to watch the entire thing to remember the ending. (I don't what to get all politically correct, but how come Tamlyn Tomita's character on JAG has an Italian surname?) And finally, on the plane, we saw How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, which was pretty bad. Kate Hudson has a pretty smile, but she can't act.

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