Tuesday, July 22

Propaganda works!

Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo criticizes the PRC's disinformation campaign against the people of Hong Kong and their demonstrations against article 23. He blames the disinformation for attitudes like this, which he finds on the xinlang BBS:
1. The national interest takes precedence over individual rights.
2. Social stability takes precedence over the protection of freedom.
3. Economic recovery takes precedence over political demands.
4. "One country" takes precedence over "two systems".
5. Criticism of the people of Hong Kong for their selfishness and ingratitude.
6. Criticism of Hong Kong's special status and the privileged consciousness of Hong Kong's people.
7. Accusations that the people of Hong Kong are being used by a small group of "hostile elements" and foreign anti-Chinese forces.
8. Without the mainland motherland, Hong Kong has no future.

Others go so far as to say things like, "If you don't support China's security, then get the hell out of China's jurisdiction!" or "It's time for liberating Hong Kong immediately and implementing 'one country one system'."

Original article here (in Chinese).

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